MePA: the Italian public procurement marketplace on the e-procurement platform “Acquisti in Rete”

The webinar will provide an overview of how Italian Public Administrations procure goods, services and maintenance works through the e-marketplace MePA on the e-procurement platform managed by Consip “Acquisti in Rete”.

The webinar will illustrate the e-procurement procedures (calls for tenders, direct negotiations, direct orders) used by Italian Public Administration as well as the qualification procedure of a supplier and the publication of e-catalogues on the MePA.

The presentation addresses startups and technology providers at EU level who wish to develop a go-to- market strategy towards the public sector in Italy.

Speaker: Maria Antonietta Coppola Procurement Analyst at CONSIP

The webinar is organised in cooperation with the Procure2Innovate European project and Consip, the Italian national contracting authority boosting innovation and sustainability in public procurement, which is one of the European Competence Centres for Innovation Procurement running the project.

Interested? Please register here:

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