Tecnopolo S.p.A. e Lazio Innova
Tecnopolo S.p.A. is a company created in 1995 on the initiative of the Rome Chamber of Commerce, which holds 95% of the shares.
Other shareholders are the Municipality of Rome (through agencies, ACEA, AMA, ATAC), the Lazio Region (through the regional agency Lazio Innova), Città Metropolitana di Roma Capitale and ENEA, the Italian National Agency for New Technology, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development.
Tecnopolo implements actions planned to promote, improve and stimulate the location and development of high-tech and innovative initiatives within the Tiburtino Technology Park and the Castel Romano Technology Park.
LAZIO INNOVA is the regional development agency, located in Lazio Region (Capital region in Italy), in charge of enhancing the economic growth at regional level. Through a set of integrated services, tailored tools and financial opportunities LAZIO INNOVA aims at the entrepreneurial promotion as well as business creation in order to boost the regional ecosystem growth (companies, startups, local institutions, research organizations, universities, business associations as well as citizens).
LAZIO INNOVA provides:
- financial support to SMEs (co-financing of investments, financial Instrument & risk capital tools);
- technical assistance to the Region in the designing and implementation of policies and schemes;
- promotion and management of internationalization programmes;
- support to the main technology clusters, promoting networking and cooperation among companies, universities & research institutions;
- promotion of Open Innovation projects and support to local startup ecosystem
- networking activities, collaborative partnerships and participation to European projects
Enterprise Europe Network advanced services and advisory support for helping ambitious business innovate and grow internationally
Lazio Innova is also part of ESA’s Business Incubation Centres