The aerospace industry has a long history in Rome and Latium, and it has been strengthened over the past two decades by precise commitments from the national and regional institutions. Today Latium hosts Italy’s first aerospace district. It ranks among the best in Europe, thanks not only to its excellence in production and state-of-the-art technologies, but also to its clear international vocation. Most of Italy’s aerospace industry is concentrated in Latium, in a single ensemble that combines top-notch industrial know-how and scientific knowledge, and boasts:
- 250 companies
- 10,000 jobs
- annual sales of 5 billion euros
The Tiburtino Technology Park is situated close to the headquarters of Italy’s most important aerospace, electronics and defense companies. The surrounding territory can be considered a spontaneous industrial districts, due to the presence of major Italian and international companies operating in this sector, including Selex, Telespazio, Thales Alenia Space, MBDA and Vitrociset.
The companies of the Aerospace sector:
– Interconsulting S.r.l.
– Laboratorio Tevere S.r.l.
– Sigma Consulting S.r.l.
– Wave Advanced Technology Applications S.r.l.
The Tiburtino Technology Park is the headquarters of the ITech Incubator, a structure created and managed by the Latium Business Innovation Center (BIC). The project was conceived in 1990 on the Region’s initiative to help create new businesses and provide support for innovation and local development. The Itech Incubator is designed to facilitate the birth and development of research spin-offs and technology spin-offs, and to raise the competitiveness of Latium’s local systems.
Specifically, the Incubator’s mission is to:
- facilitate relations and actions among the components of local systems
- support activities aimed at creating academic and technology spin-offs and new technology-based firms.
ITech is for people who have specialized knowledge and propose to turn ideas and/or projects into new enterprises: young college grads, research grantees, researchers, lab technicians, small high-tech start-ups.
It offers a system of structured and integrated services for:
- pre-incubation
- incubation
capable of transforming ideas and projects into new businesses.
The Incubator occupies an area of 3500 square meters (nearly 38,000 sq. ft.), fully cabled in optical fiber, and has:
- 22 laboratories for start-ups
- 8 offices for business planning
- 3 meeting rooms
- 2 classrooms with ICT facilities.
The companies of the Business Incubation sector:
– Invictorled S.r.l.
– Nabla Quadro S.r.l.
– Openpicus S.r.l.
Environment management is a key factor for making competitive any enterprise or organization. Tecnopolo investments renewable energy show the commitment towards innovation and productive sectors environment sustainability. A photovoltaic platform roof is already implemented within the Tecnopolo Tiburtino, providing energy and lighting for Tecnopolo offices. The lighting L.E.D. (Light Emitting Diode) is also implemented so producing a sensible consumptions decrease and energy costs reduction, together with an improvement of visual comfort.The companies of the Environment and Energy Saving sector:– Chose
– Invictorled S.r.l.
– Nabla Quadro S.r.l.
– Smart-I S.r.l.
Information and communications technology (ICT) is an essential tool for raising any company’s competitiveness. The Latium Region, and in particular the Province of Rome, show a high concentration of ICT businesses and ICT investments made at the local level. ICT is a real resource for Latium’s economy – the region has more people working in the ICT industry than any other region in Italy, and ICT is the sector with the largest number of companies located at the Tiburtino Technology Park.The companies of the ICT, Electronics and Telecommunications sector:– Interconsulting S.r.l.
– Laboratorio Tevere S.r.l.
– Mashfrog S.p.A.
– MPB S.r.l.
– Nabla Quadro S.r.l.
– Niuma S.r.l.
– Openpicus S.r.l.
– Oscar S.r.l.
– Segula Technologies Italia
– Sigma Consulting S.r.l.
– Sistematica S.p.A.
– Space Italia S.r.l.
– Visura S.p.A.
– Wave Advanced Technology Applications S.r.l.
– ZP Engineering S.r.l.
Technology transfer is a fundamental asset for increasing SMEs capabilities and creating the premises for their stable interaction with research organizations.
The Tiburtino Technology Park hosts companies and consortiums operating in this direction, and able to provide concrete support to all enterprises considering technological innovation a real competitive factor.The companies of the Innovation – Research and Technology Transfer sector:– Labor S.r.l.
– MBS S.r.l.- Micro Biological Survey
The Tiburtino Technology Park hosts a number of companies designing and building machinery and systems or also operating in the fields of materials, thermal engineering and TLC.The companies of the Mechanical and systems engineering sector:– Co.G.Im. S.r.l.
– Gama Impianti S.r.l.
Many companies focused on design and production of audiovisual and multimedia communication as well as on publishing, graphics and web design are located within the Tecnopolo Tiburtino.The companies of the Multimedia, TV, Communication, Graphics, Publishing sector:– Digitalia LAB S.r.l.
– Gangemi Editore S.p.A.
– Gold TV S.r.l.
– Space Italia S.r.l.
– STEC – Società Tipografico Editrice Capitolina S.p.A.
Many companies of Tecnopolo Tiburtino work in the Services field such as Design, Engineering, Consulting, Education and Training, etc. …
The companies of the Services sector:
– Aperiam S.r.l.
– C.R.Recupero Crediti S.r.l.
– Consilia CFO S.r.l.
– Digitalia LAB S.r.l.
– Gangemi Editore S.p.A.
– Gold TV S.r.l.
– Gruppo Sipro
– Mizar International Insurance Brokers S.r.l.
– Sanità InFormazione S.p.A.
– Space Italia S.r.l.
– STEC – Società Tipografico Editrice Capitolina S.p.A.
– T-Line S.r.l.
– Visura S.p.A.