Companies and laboratories



Aerospace and Space Economy


Ing. Armando Orlandi

+39 06 3215001

Via A. Olivetti 24/26 - 00131 Roma - registered office: via Monte Santo 2 - 00195 Roma

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Progetti Speciali Italiani S.r.l. (PSI) has been incorporated along the 2006 with the convincement that the deep change in Italy on the Aerospace Sector need a modification also of the industrial structure. With this in mind, a group of manager with deep experience in the Aerospace Sector incorporated PSI to operate in the following areas: Aerospace, Defence, Homeland Security, Energy, in particular Nuclear.

The innovative approach of PSI is to operate starting the actual industrial capabilities of the parent companies represented by: Information Technologies Services S.r.l., Mediterranea Elettronica S.r.l., LAER S.p.A., NHOE S.r.l., Sicilsat Comm S.r.l., and the direct participation of the management.
At the date, PSI received contracts to perform the following activities for a set of National and International customers: In Orbit Large Infrastructure configuration, Micro and Nano Satellite for Dual Use application, Small GEO TLC Satellite Phase B study, Consultancy on the Ground Segment of Large TLC constellation, Large Space Thermal Vacuum Simulator. 

More recently, PSI has been appointed by the European Space Agency for the development of UAV on board payloads for communication with TLC satellites.

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